In countries where food is abundant, people choose foods based on a number of factors which can in sum be thought of as "quality." Quality has been defined as degree of excellence and includes such things as taste, appearance, and nutritional content. We might also say that quality is the composite of characteristics that have significance and make for acceptability. Acceptability, however, can be highly subjective. Quality and price need not go together, but food manufacturers know that they generally can get a higher price for or can sell a larger quantity of products with superior quality. Often "value" is thought of as a composite of cost and quality. More expensive foods can be a good value if their quality is very high. The nutrient value of the different grades of canned fruits and vegetables is similar for all practical purposes, yet the price can vary as much as threefold depending on other attributes of quality. This is why processors will go to extremes to control quality.
When we select foods and when we eat, we use all of our physical senses, including sight, touch, smell, taste, and even hearing. The snap of a potato chip, the crackle of a breakfast cereal, and crunch of celery are textural characteristics, but we also hear them. Food quality detectable by our senses can be divided into three main categories: appearance factors, textural factors, and flavor factors.
Appearance factors include such things as size, shape, wholeness, different forms of damage, gloss, transparency, color, and consistency. For example, apple juice is sold both as cloudy and clear juice. Each has a different appearance and is often thought of as a somewhat different product.
Textural factors include handfeel and mouthfeel of firmness, softness, juiciness, chewiness, grittiness. The texture of a food is often a major determinant of how little or well we like a food. For example, many people do not like cooked liver because of its texture. Texture of foods can be measured with sophisticated mechanical testing machines.
Flavor factors include both sensations perceived by the tongue which include sweet, salty, sour, and bitter, and aromas perceived by the nose. The former are often referred to as "flavors" and the latter "aromas," although these terms are often used interchangeably. Flavor and aroma are often subjective, difficult to measure accurately, and difficult to get a group of people to agree. A part of food science called sensory science is dedicated to finding ways to use humans to accurately describe the flavors and other sensory properties of foods. There are hundreds of descriptive terms that have been invented to describe flavor, depending on the type of food. Expert tea tasters have a language all of their own, which has been passed down to members of their guild from generation to generation. This is true of wine tasters as well.
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